805 Dovercourt Rd, Toronto, ON M6H 2X4


Are You New to Capoeira?

  Get in touch with us to find out  when our next intro session starts. Time: Mondays 8:00-9:30pm Cost: $60 Achieving your fitness goals, just got easier. In this 4-Week introductory course you will learn: common kicks and how to avoid them body flow balance, coordination and flexibility basic acrobatics rhythm based instruments the history of capoeira Our intro course…

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Spring is a time for new beginnings…

 Next intro session starts April 24, 2017 Time: Mondays 8:00-9:30pm Cost: $60 Achieving your fitness goals, just got easier. In this 4-Week introductory course you will learn: common kicks and how to avoid them body flow balance, coordination and flexibility basic acrobatics rhythm based instruments the history of capoeira Our intro course is fun and unlike any type of exercise…

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2014 Batizado, Troca de Cordas e Torneo – Sept. 11-13

Please join Mestre Lua, Instrutor Camarão, Instrutor Falcão, Instrutora Pantera and all of our GTA students as we come together once again to celebrate our 11th annual Batizado in Toronto. This will be a 3-day event filled with workshops, a tournament, rodas and culminating in a Batizado and Troca de Corda. All groups are welcome so please come and share…

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2013 Batizado tickets now on sale!

Grupo Capoeira Malês  G.T.A. is very proud to welcome all capoeiristas to come and share our love for this beautiful art as we bring guests together from Canada, the United States and Brasil to congratulate Mestre Lua on his 30 years of dedication to Capoeira September 12-14. 2013 also marks Mestre Lua’s 10th year leading his grupo here in Toronto!…

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2012 Batizado & Festival da Arte Capoeira

Confirmed schedule, location and special guests! ***NOTE: Friday workshop will be indoors @ 805 Dovercourt Rd, 3rd floor Guests: Mestre Peninha – Equipe Montreal Mestre Tico Tico – Cais da Bahia Boston Contra Mestre Lua Branca – Malês Professor Leitao – Candeias Montreal Professor Sapo – Camara Toronto Instrutor Soquete – Sinha Bahia Toronto Instrutor Falcão – Malês GTA Instrutora…

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2012 Spring Encounter

Please join us as we host our 5th Annual Encontro de Primavera at our Burlington academy. We will be welcoming new faces into our roda and guarantee an event full of positive energy and plenty of capoeira for all of our guests! All capoeiristas are welcome to participate. Our doors are open to everyone!! Teachers (*confirmed) (more to follow) Contra…

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